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Bishop’s Hull Village Hall and Playing Field Trust

Members of the Managing Committee

Paul Bulbeck (Chairman: 01823 283941)
David Jorgensen (Vice Chairman: 01823 282369)
Simon Atherton (Treasurer: 01823 338242)

Managing Committee members are elected or appointed on an annual basis.

Booking Secretary

Rick Moon: 01823 354908

Co-opted Members

Don Carter
Arthur Lewis
Trevor Desave
Rick Moon
Ray Court
John Hunt
B Hurst

Plus one representative member of the following organisations that use the facilities.

Bingo Club, Brownies, Car Boot Sales, Church Council, Constitutional Club, Cricket Club, Flower Show, Football Club, Labour Party, PTA, Parish Council, Pre-school, Village Events Group, Youth Group.


A Trust Deed dated 1st November 1966 established the charity. This was replaced by the Scheme document dated 14th July 1998.
Registered with the Charity Commission: No. 304487.

Origin of the Village Hall and Playing Field Trust

Objects, Organisations and Activities

The object of the charity is, in the interests of social welfare, to improve the conditions of life of the inhabitants of Bishops Hull without distinction of political, religious or other opinions by the provision and maintenance of:

(a) a village hall for use by the inhabitants, including use for:

(i) meetings, lectures and classes and
(ii)other forms of recreation and leisure-time occupation and

(b) a playing field for use by the inhabitants.

The “Village Hall” is part of the community facilities provided within the Bishop’s Hull County Primary School, under licence between Somerset County Council and the Trust dated 15th April 1977, for a period of 99 years.

The Playing Field (leased from Taunton Deane Borough Council for a term of 99 years from 15th April 1977) is subject to an agreement between Somerset County Council and the Trust dated 29th May 1981.

The community facilities within the school are available for hire by any individual or organisation in accordance with the standard hiring agreement and scale of charges adopted for the year. It is the Trustees’ intention that the charges and the fund raising be sufficient to meet all expenditure incurred in providing the community facilities and maintaining the playing field.

On June 4th 2008 the improved play area was opened, funded by the Trust and with grants from Taunton Deane, Virador, the Parish Council, the LAT and our county councillor.

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