Bishop’s Hull School – Parent Teacher Association
The school is wonderfully supported by the P.T.A.. All parents are automatically members of the P.T.A. which is managed by an elected committee.
The formation of a P.T.A. results from a belief that the education of children is best achieved when there is a partnership between home and school. This partnership must be based on honesty, trust and caring.
Regular meetings of the P.T.A. committee are held to plan social, educational and fund-raising events.
In the past the P.T.A. has been involved in some impressive fund-raising activities and has helped make this school as well equipped as it is.
Donna King, tel 331783
Forthcoming Events
Easter Bingo on Friday 8th April in the Main Hall starting at 6 30 pm
May Fayre on May 21st in the Playground and on the Field. All sorts of stalls and rides with a big raffle too! 2pm to 5pm.(weather permitting).
Local Groups and Societies
- Bishop’s Hull Organisations
- Bishop’s Hull Art Group
- Bishop’s Hull Family History Group
- Bishop’s Hull Book Club
- Bishop’s Hull Brownies
- Car Boot Sales
- Bishops Hull Cricket Club
- Bishop’s Hull Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Show
- The Frank Bond Community Centre
- Bishop’s Hull School – Parent Teacher Association
- Robin’s Close Hall – Bishop’s Hall
- Taunton Ukulele Strummers Club
- Bishops Hull Village Events Group (VEG)
- Bishop’s Hull Village Hall and Playing Field Trust
- Bishop’s Hull and District W.I.
- Taunton United Reformed Church