Bishop’s Hull Art Group
Bishop's Hull Art Group was formed in 1999 in order to exhibit the work of local artists, especially those from Bishop's Hull and with connections to it.
In the early years exhibitions were held in Bishop’s Hull and for several years in Taunton library.(Photos). The 2011 exhibition was successfully held in February at Taunton library with many pieces being sold.
The group has always been led by Bob Parker. The focus was originally on botanical painting but this has widened over the years. Anyone wishing to join the group should contact me.
The art group taken by Bob Parker runs from September in The Community Room, Bishop’s Hull on Wednesday afternoons from 2pm to 4pm.
The Autumn term runs for ten weeks from September to December with a two week break for half term. The Spring term runs from January to Easter on a similar basis. During the Summer term the class is more informal.
The term fee is £25.00 plus £4 for each session attended for Autumn and Spring terms.
Should you wish to take up a place please get in touch with me. Cheques to be made payable to Bishop’s Hull Art Group and sent to me (or given to me at start of term).
All enquiries to
Rose Humphries
Telephone 277633
Local Groups and Societies
- Bishop’s Hull Organisations
- Bishop’s Hull Art Group
- Bishop’s Hull Family History Group
- Bishop’s Hull Book Club
- Bishop’s Hull Brownies
- Car Boot Sales
- Bishops Hull Cricket Club
- Bishop’s Hull Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Show
- The Frank Bond Community Centre
- Bishop’s Hull School – Parent Teacher Association
- Robin’s Close Hall – Bishop’s Hall
- Taunton Ukulele Strummers Club
- Bishops Hull Village Events Group (VEG)
- Bishop’s Hull Village Hall and Playing Field Trust
- Bishop’s Hull and District W.I.
- Taunton United Reformed Church