Bishop’s Hull Family History Group
Family History Meetings take place at the Frank Bond Centre.
The group meet on the first Monday of every month from 2pm – 4pm. This is an informal friendly meeting trying to help each other with our research. We have the use of a computer and access to the various web sites.
If you are a beginner, or more advanced with your research, then join us for a chat.
Although the meetings are free we would encourage you to take out a subscription to the Frank Bond Centre.
For further research in Somerset:
Somerset County Record Office
Somerset and Dorset Family History Society
Family History Societies in the South West
Contact Bob Steed on 288089 or
Local Groups and Societies
- Bishop’s Hull Organisations
- Bishop’s Hull Art Group
- Bishop’s Hull Family History Group
- Bishop’s Hull Book Club
- Bishop’s Hull Brownies
- Car Boot Sales
- Bishops Hull Cricket Club
- Bishop’s Hull Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Show
- The Frank Bond Community Centre
- Bishop’s Hull School – Parent Teacher Association
- Robin’s Close Hall – Bishop’s Hall
- Taunton Ukulele Strummers Club
- Bishops Hull Village Events Group (VEG)
- Bishop’s Hull Village Hall and Playing Field Trust
- Bishop’s Hull and District W.I.
- Taunton United Reformed Church