Bishop’s Hull Village Hall and Playing Field Trust: Origins
Back in the 1960’s, most of the activities in the village were disjointed and ran as independent bodies. There was no co-ordination or exchange of information and ideas. Several like minded people in the village came together with a view to co-ordinating the village activities into a formal body. The plan was to create an organisation for cultural, welfare and sporting purposes that was inclusive to all members of the village. Plans were put in place, culminating in the formation of the Bishops Hull Village Hall and Playing Field Trust, a registered charity. The Declaration of Trust was signed on the 1st November 1966. It incorporated all of the clubs and societies within the village. Each organisation nominated a representative as a Trustee, which, together with elected and co-opted representatives formed the Committee of Trustees. This basic principle remains to this day.
The village of that time was a very different place to that we know today. The Primary School was located in Gipsy Lane, overcrowded and with outside toilets. Half the School was in temporary classrooms, the assembly hall doubling up as two classrooms, and no outside sports facilities. The village had no community hall and no playing fields, save a farmers field on which he allowed football to be played.
At a time when funding for schools was not good, a group of villagers, led by Sybil Gwyther, who was then a senior member of the Trust and a school governor, got together to see what could be done to improve matters. They entered into an agreement with the local education authority to jointly fund the present school and incorporate within this a community room and large community hall which was to be used by the school, and the community after school hours. This partnership created a unique project, admired locally and nationally and a forerunner of community schools. This was a school with shared community facilities and was opened in 1978. A very large sum of money was raised within the community by members of the Trust, which enabled there to be these additional facilities and a larger that normal school hall. The playing field was also secured by the Trust for the benefit of the community on a 99 year lease in 1980.
When entering into the original agreement with the education authority, the Trust were aware that the financial commitment did not end with the large sum of money invested in the building. On going running costs would need to be met. Likewise, the management of the playing field comes with large ongoing maintenance costs.
Political changes have affected the position of the Trust. Strict limitations have been placed upon the letting of the Community Room, Hall and Playing Field. Funding policies within education have also changed and the pressures on the Trust increased.
When first established, the Trust was strongly supported by villagers who not only helped to raise money, but were also willing to serve on the Trust. Sadly these heady days are past, and despite the never ending need for funding, the number of willing bodies are few. Many villagers no doubt believe that the School and Community Centre, its excellent facilities, and the lovely playing fields have always been here and are maintained by the Local Authority. How wrong they are!!!
Fund raising in the past came from Hall hirings, village fete and grants. Today, hirings and grants are augmented by our extremely popular Car Boot Sales to provide an essential source of revenue to pay our running costs and employees. Our beautiful playing Fields are maintained by a small group of hard working volunteers, as are the sports facilities.
Bishops Hull is very fortunate to have such excellent facilities available, especially for our young, but without village support they may be lost. Your village needs you to give some of your time, energy and expertise.